WPSSO Core Premium

License Selection

Lifetime License:

Get Premium features, updates, and support for the lifetime of your registered WordPress Sites. See more about the license terms.

No Risk 30 Day Refund Policy

1 x WordPress Site for $69.00 ea
2 x WordPress Sites for $55.00 ea; suggested for WP Engine and hosting services with production and staging sites
3 x WordPress Sites for $45.00 ea; suggested for Pantheon and hosting services with production, development and test sites
5 x WordPress Sites for $36.00 ea
10 x WordPress Sites for $28.00 ea
15 x WordPress Sites for $24.00 ea
25 x WordPress Sites for $21.00 ea
35 x WordPress Sites for $20.00 ea
50 x WordPress Sites for $19.00 ea
PayPal Acceptance Mark

Version Information

  • Plugin Name: WPSSO Core Premium
  • Stable Version: 17.20.1
  • Author: JS Morisset
  • Description: Present your content at its best for social sites and search results, no matter how URLs are shared, reshared, messaged, posted, embedded, or crawled.
  • License: Nontransferable License for WordPress Site Address URL
  • Requires PHP: 7.2.34 or newer
  • Requires WordPress: 5.8 or newer
  • Tested Up To WordPress: 6.6.1
  • Tested Up To WooCommerce: 9.1.2
  • Last Updated: 16 hours ago

Release Schedule

New versions of the plugin are released approximately every week (more or less). New features are added, tested, and released incrementally, instead of grouping them together in a major version release. When minor bugs fixes and/or code improvements are applied, new versions are also released. This release schedule keeps the code stable and reliable, at the cost of more frequent updates.

See release early, release often (RERO) software development philosophy on Wikipedia for more information on the benefits of smaller / more frequent releases.

Version Numbering

Version components: {major}.{minor}.{bugfix}[-{stage}.{level}]

  • {major} = Major structural code changes and/or incompatible API changes (ie. breaking changes).hanges).
  • {minor} = New functionality was added or improved in a backwards-compatible manner.
  • {bugfix} = Backwards-compatible bug fixes or small improvements.
  • {stage}.{level} = Pre-production release: dev < a (alpha) < b (beta) < rc (release candidate).

Standard Edition Repositories

Development Version Updates

WPSSO Core Premium edition customers have access to development, alpha, beta, and release candidate version updates:

Under the SSO > Update Manager settings page, select the "Development and Up" (for example) version filter for the WPSSO Core plugin and/or its add-ons. When new development versions are available, they will automatically appear under your WordPress Dashboard > Updates page. You can reselect the "Stable / Production" version filter at any time to reinstall the latest stable version.

WPSSO Core Standard edition users (ie. the plugin hosted on WordPress.org) have access to the latest development version under the Advanced Options section.

Changelog / Release Notes

Version 17.20.1 (2024/07/26)

  • New Features
    • None.
  • Improvements
    • None.
  • Bugfixes
    • Fixed depecated method calls since SEO Framework v5.0.0.
    • Fixed og:video:type = text/html from being considered a video by default.
  • Developer Notes
    • None.
  • Requires At Least
    • PHP v7.2.34.
    • WordPress v5.8.

Version 17.20.0 (2024/07/23)

  • New Features
    • None.
  • Improvements
    • Added a "Getting video details for {url}." information notice when retrieving video information.
    • Added a "Failed URL Connections" list (when greater than 0) to the SSO > Tools and Actions page.
    • Added notice messages for missing title, description, and/or upload date values from YouTube video details (Premium edition).
  • Bugfixes
    • None.
  • Developer Notes
    • None.
  • Requires At Least
    • PHP v7.2.34.
    • WordPress v5.8.

Version 17.19.0 (2024/07/15)

  • New Features
    • None.
  • Improvements
    • None.
  • Bugfixes
    • None.
  • Developer Notes
    • Added a new 'wpsso_option_type_{base_key}' filter.
    • Added a new __return_ignore() function.
  • Requires At Least
    • PHP v7.2.34.
    • WordPress v5.8.

Version 17.18.0 (2024/07/10)

  • New Features
    • None.
  • Improvements
    • Added update schedule check for Premium edition.
  • Bugfixes
    • None.
  • Developer Notes
    • None.
  • Requires At Least
    • PHP v7.2.34.
    • WordPress v5.8.

Version 17.17.1 (2024/06/11)

  • New Features
    • None.
  • Improvements
    • None.
  • Bugfixes
    • Fixed missing declaration of $p variable in WpssoIntegDataWpseoBlocks (props mykkal).
  • Developer Notes
    • None.
  • Requires At Least
    • PHP v7.2.34.
    • WordPress v5.8.

Version 17.17.0 (2024/04/23)

  • New Features
    • None.
  • Improvements
    • None.
  • Bugfixes
    • None.
  • Developer Notes
    • Moved options handling methods from SucomUtil to a new SucomUtilOptions class:
      • get_opts_begin()
      • get_opts_hm_tz()
      • get_opts_labels_transl()
      • get_opts_values_transl()
      • get_key_locale()
      • get_key_value()
      • get_key_values_multi()
      • set_key_value()
      • set_key_value_disabled()
      • set_key_value_locale()
      • set_key_value_locale_disabled()
      • transl_key_values()
  • Requires At Least
    • PHP v7.2.34.
    • WordPress v5.8.

Version 17.16.0 (2024/03/27)

  • New Features
    • None.
  • Improvements
    • Changed the "Default Review Rating Min" from 1 to 0.5.
  • Bugfixes
    • None.
  • Developer Notes
    • Added support for a 'pos_fnum' check in WpssoOptions->check_value().
  • Requires At Least
    • PHP v7.2.34.
    • WordPress v5.8.

Version 17.15.0 (2024/03/20)

Updated "Tested Up To" value for WordPress v6.5.

  • New Features
    • None.
  • Improvements
    • None.
  • Bugfixes
    • None.
  • Developer Notes
    • None.
  • Requires At Least
    • PHP v7.2.34.
    • WordPress v5.8.

Version 17.14.4 (2024/03/08)

  • New Features
    • None.
  • Improvements
    • None.
  • Bugfixes
    • Fixed 'mainEntityOfPage' property conflict for Schema ProfilePage markup.
  • Developer Notes
    • None.
  • Requires At Least
    • PHP v7.2.34.
    • WordPress v5.8.

Version 17.14.3 (2024/03/02)

  • New Features
    • None.
  • Improvements
    • None.
  • Bugfixes
    • Fixed title translation for settings pages.
  • Developer Notes
    • None.
  • Requires At Least
    • PHP v7.2.34.
    • WordPress v5.8.

Version 17.14.2 (2024/02/22)

  • New Features
    • None.
  • Improvements
    • None.
  • Bugfixes
    • Fixed possible missing "location" property in Schema Organization markup.
    • Fixed possible missing "mainEntityOfPage" property.
    • Fixed possible duplicate Organization and Organization sub-type markup for Knowledge Graph.
    • Fixed a javascript indexOf() error on numeric keys for the Schema Person selector.
  • Developer Notes
    • None.
  • Requires At Least
    • PHP v7.2.34.
    • WordPress v5.8.

Version 17.14.0 (2024/02/21)

  • New Features
    • None.
  • Improvements
    • Renamed Twitter to X (Twitter).
    • Added support for the https://schema.org/LearningResource type.
      • Added support for the 'learningResourceType' property.
      • Added support for the 'educationalLevel' property.
  • Bugfixes
    • None.
  • Developer Notes
    • Added a new SucomEducationLevels class.
    • Added a new SucomForm->get_select_education_level() method.
    • Added a new SucomForm::maybe_transl_sort_values() method.
    • Refactored the SucomForm->get_select() method to support option groups.
  • Requires At Least
    • PHP v7.2.34.
    • WordPress v5.8.

Version 17.13.0 (2024/02/15)

  • New Features
    • None.
  • Improvements
    • None.
  • Bugfixes
    • None.
  • Developer Notes
    • Added a "product:is_virtual" internal meta tag for the WPSSO GMF and CMCF add-ons.
    • Updated the WpssoIntegEcomWooCommerce->add_mt_product() method to provide the "product:is_virtual" meta tag value.
  • Requires At Least
    • PHP v7.2.34.
    • WordPress v5.8.

Version 17.12.1 (2024/02/07)

  • New Features
    • None.
  • Improvements
    • None.
  • Bugfixes
    • Fixed call to missing SucomNoNotice->refresh_notice_style() method.
  • Developer Notes
    • None.
  • Requires At Least
    • PHP v7.2.34.
    • WordPress v5.8.

Version 17.12.0 (2024/02/05)

  • New Features
    • None.
  • Improvements
    • Replaced The AMP Project Validator by the Google AMP Test.
  • Bugfixes
    • None.
  • Developer Notes
    • Added a new SucomUtilWP::doing_dev() method.
    • Deprecated the 'WPSSO_DEV' constant.
  • Requires At Least
    • PHP v7.2.34.
    • WordPress v5.8.

29 comments on “WPSSO Core Premium

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    After ages trying to figure out how to fine tune the SEO of my website and failing miserable I came across this plugin. That just has all the settings I needed a more. At first the warning flashes seemed intimidating but its just trying to help by shouting THIS IS NOT DONE FIX IT. They you do and then no more warning message.

  2. Rated 5 out of 5

    Have used numerous plugins that claim to be able to boost our SEO optimization, etc etc. Ended up with WPSSO over year ago and wish we’d started using it earlier. 

    While it is not the easiest plugin to utilize initially as you really do need to have a basic understanding of Schema types and how they are best utilized and implemented. However, once you get it dialed in, WPSSO Core and the various Premium editions we use have really helped with our visibility with search engines as well as social media sites understanding our content. 

    Plus, the support for the Premium level is fantastic! Nothing is without a few hiccups, and the WPSSO team does a stellar job of working with me to improve the plugin when needed. 

  3. Rated 5 out of 5

    I simply agree with some other reviews, and would rather say I agree and point others to those reviews:

    Support has been wonderful.
    – I requested a feature to rename the admin menu page titles, and the developer add support for those filters in only some hours, and responded back to me, to update to the dev release to try. Lol, awesome!

    The plugin is super helpful for Seo and Schema.

    Just great for metadata control and learning.
    – I agree with this in principal, that plugins like this, or even all plugins, should tend to know more than those who are using it.

    I also want to say, that I’m glad this has a simple UI, where other seo related premium plugins have started invading the WordPress UI, with all sort of fanciness, but just unnecessary as well, and it has gotten carried away. When it comes to editing my pages, posts, etc., my WordPress UI has remained the same, and so now with WPSSO, it can continue to feel that way.

    I upgraded to premium almost immediately. I was just glad to think about getting rid of other seo plugins, lol.

    And it is so nice, that as of to date, was able to get a flat price for a license. Something that I can refer to clients or include in their price package, for single license or multiple licenses.

  4. Rated 5 out of 5

    The out-of-the-box defaults encouraged by the author are enough to give anyone a quick leg up in local SEO. The real power of this plugin, though, is how configurable it truly is. Someone truly dedicated to making the search engines do tricks can rocket their site to the top of the localized SERP feature pages with the options in this plugin.

    Also, the author is amazing. At one point I was wanting to integrate with a jobs plugin to be able to add Job meta to the individual job listings. I reached out to the author to ask about getting support, they asked what plugin it was, and got back to me within about four hours to ask me to test their changes in a pre-release beta they’d cut just for the feature I’d requested. I had support for the jobs plugin I was needing to integrate within less than a day!

    I’ve been working with WP for many years, and I have experience with many, many SEO plugins. I promise you won’t be disappointed with this one.

  5. Rated 5 out of 5

    The After-Sales Service is perfect! JS Morisset’s responses are always quick and very precise whenever we have a concern.
    No EAN / GTIN-13 numbers of products in shema.org?
    Do you have WPSSO Core (Premium)?
    In Woocommerce you have created your EAN / GTIN-13 codes in “Attributes” of products?? So disable the “WPSSO product metadata for WooCommerce SEO” addon. Then go to “Advanced Settings” of the SSO-Social and Search Optimization plugin, Metadata / Product Attributes section, and type the name of your ean/gtin13 attribute in the “GTIN-13 (EAN) attribute name” box. Then, go to the “Custom fields” tab and delete the data in the “Custom field GTIN-13 (EAN) of product” box.

    Le Service Après-vente est parfait ! Les réponses de JS Morisset sont toujours rapides et très précises à chaque fois que nous avons un souci.
    Pas de numéros EAN / GTIN-13 des produits dans shema.org ?
    Vous avez WPSSO Core (Premium)?
    Dans Woocommerce vous avez créé vos codes EAN / GTIN-13 dans “Attributs” de produits? Alors désactivez l’addon “WPSSO métadonnées de produit pour le SEO WooCommerce”. Ensuite allez dans “Réglages avancés” du plugin SSO-Optimisation sociale et de recherche, section Métadonnées / Attributs de produit, et tapez le nom de votre attribut ean/gtin13 dans la case “Nom d’attribut GTIN-13 (EAN)”. Puis, allez dans l’onglet “Champs personnalisés” et effacez la donnée qui est dans la case “Champ pers. GTIN-13 (EAN) de produit”.

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