Developer Special: Buy one, Get one Free

The WPSSO Core Premium plugin is licensed based on the WordPress Site Address URL (see the WordPress General settings page). Typically, development, staging, and production sites would require 3 licenses, as each uses a different WordPress Site Address URL and each needing Premium features and Premium support. In the spirit of helping our fellow developers, we are offering a free development license for every license purchased.

If you purchase a license for (or, you can also register using the same Authentication ID. This allows developers to purchase a license, develop a customer’s website, and then change the WordPress Site Address URL value upon delivery, without having to purchase an additional license for the production website.

The developer special also applies to multisite licensing – if you have 2 licenses for and, you could also register and using the same Authentication ID. The installation order is not important – you can register a development site first, and the production site afterwards.

In summary,,, and are all considered equal for licensing purposes (they share the same license). All other WordPress Site Address values, like,, etc., are considered valid sites and automatically registered if an Authentication ID is entered in the SSO > Premium Licenses settings page.

Note that the .local, .test, .example, .invalid, and .localhost top-level domains are internationally recognized as private use domains – ie. a domain name cannot be registered under these top-level domains. Developers may use these top-level domains for private test / development sites, but since these sites cannot be reached from the internet, they cannot be licensed.

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