How does WPSSO Core find and select images?

The image(s) used in meta tags and Schema markup are chosen in this sequence:

  1. Video preview image(s) when the Include Video Previews option is checked under the “Edit Media” tab in the Document SSO metabox. The default value (checked or unchecked) can be controlled by using the SSO > General Settings > Videos > Include Video Preview Images option.
  2. Custom image(s) selected under the “Edit Media” tab in the Document SSO metabox.
  3. Product image(s) from supported 3rd-party plugins like WooCommerce.
  4. Featured or attached image(s) from the WordPress Media Library.
  5. Image(s) from <img/> HTML tags in the content text.
  6. A default image selected in the SSO > Essential Settings page.

Always upload the largest images you can to the Media Library and let WordPress create the resized / smaller versions as required. If an original image is smaller than the required image dimensions, it will be ignored – so always upload the largest images possible.

To satisfy the recommended Facebook image size of 1200x630px and Google’s required 1:1 image size of 1200x1200px, you should always make sure to upload images that are larger than 1200x1200px.

See why you shouldn’t upload small images to the Media library.

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