
sucom_get_post_object( $post_obj, $use_post )
sucom_get_term_object( $term_obj, $term_id, $tax_slug )
sucom_get_user_object( $user_obj, $user_id )
sucom_is_home_page( $bool, $use_post )
sucom_is_home_posts( $bool, $use_post )
sucom_is_post_page( $bool, $use_post )
sucom_is_term_page( $bool )
sucom_is_user_page( $bool )
sucom_robots_default_directives( $directives )
wpsso_{post_type}_tag_taxonomy( $taxonomy = 'post_tag', $mod )
wpsso_add_link_rel_canonical( $bool, $mod )
wpsso_add_link_rel_shortlink( $bool, $mod )
wpsso_add_menu_submenu_item_{menu_id}( $bool )Remove an SSO menu item (ie. 'dashboard', 'setup', etc.).
wpsso_add_toolbar_validate( $bool )
wpsso_archive_page_url( $url, $mod )
wpsso_article_sections( array $sections )
wpsso_attached_accept_img_dims( $accept, $img_url, $img_width, $img_height, $size_name, $pid )
wpsso_attached_image_ids( $attach_ids, $post_id )
wpsso_cache_expire_api_response( $secs, $cache_type, $mod )Default is 1 day in seconds.
wpsso_cache_expire_head_markup( $secs, $cache_type, $mod )Default is 1 month in seconds.
wpsso_cache_expire_image_info( $secs, $cache_type, $mod )Default is 1 day in seconds.
wpsso_cache_expire_schema_types( $secs, $cache_type, $mod )Default is 1 week in seconds.
wpsso_cache_expire_short_url( $secs, $cache_type, $mod )Default is 3 months in seconds.
wpsso_cache_expire_the_content( $secs, $cache_type, $mod )Default is 1 hour in seconds.
wpsso_cache_expire_youtube_video_details( $secs, $cache_type, $mod )Default is 1 week in seconds.
wpsso_cache_refreshed_notice( $notice_msg, $user_id )
wpsso_canonical_url( $url, $mod, $add_page )
wpsso_caption( $caption, $mod, $num_hashtags, $md_key )
wpsso_check_post_head( $bool, $post_id, $post_obj )
wpsso_content_accept_img_dims( $accept, $img_url, $img_width, $img_height, $size_name, $mod )
wpsso_content_image_preg_html_tag( $default = 'img' )
wpsso_content_image_preg_pid_attr( $default = 'data-[a-z]+-pid' )
wpsso_cropped_image_filepath( $new_filepath, $filepath, $size_info )
wpsso_default_term_id( $default_term_id, $mod, $tax_slug )
wpsso_description( $desc_text, $mod, $num_hashtags, $md_key )
wpsso_description_seed( '', $mod, $num_hashtags, $md_key )
wpsso_dimension_units( $units )
wpsso_embed_content_template_path( $template_path )
wpsso_featured_image_id( $pid, $post_id )
wpsso_fluid_volume_units( $units )
wpsso_form_select_{option_name}( $values )
wpsso_get_avail( array $avail )
wpsso_get_config( array $cf )
wpsso_get_defaults( $defaults )
wpsso_get_md_defaults( array $md_defs, array $mod )
wpsso_get_md_options( array $md_opts, array $mod )
wpsso_get_post_defaults( array $md_defs, $post_id, array $mod )
wpsso_get_post_options( array $md_opts, $post_id, array $mod )
wpsso_get_short_url( $url, $service, $mod )
wpsso_get_site_defaults( $site_defaults )
wpsso_get_term_defaults( array $md_opts, $term_id, array $mod )
wpsso_get_term_options( array $md_opts, $term_id, array $mod )
wpsso_get_user_defaults( array $md_opts, $user_id, array $mod )
wpsso_get_user_options( array $md_opts, $user_id, array $mod )
wpsso_google_product_categories( array $categories )
wpsso_hashtags( $hashtags, $post_id )
wpsso_hashtags_seed( '', $post_id )
wpsso_head_disable( $bool, $mod )
wpsso_home_url( $url, $mod )
wpsso_image_upscale_all( WPSSO_IMAGE_UPSCALE_ALL = false )
wpsso_image_upscale_max( $upscale_max = 33, $image_src_args )
wpsso_image_upscale_test( WPSSO_IMAGE_UPSCALE_TEST = false, $image_src_args )
wpsso_import_cf_{custom_field_name}( $value, array $mod, array $wp_meta )The WordPress custom field (aka metadata) does not need to exist - $value = null if the custom field does not exist.
wpsso_import_content_blocks( array $md_opts, array $mod, $content )
wpsso_import_custom_fields( array $md_opts, array $mod, array $wp_meta )
wpsso_import_product_attributes( array $md_opts, array $mod, $wp_obj )
wpsso_inherit_custom_images( $bool, $mod )
wpsso_inherit_featured_image( $bool, $mod )
wpsso_init_json_filter_{lib_dir}_{lib_id}( $bool = true )
wpsso_input_limits_{options_key}( array $limits )
wpsso_is_functions( $is_functions )
wpsso_jquery_ui_version( $jquery_ui_version )
wpsso_js_url_facebook( $url, $pos )
wpsso_json_array_schema_page_type_ids( $page_type_ids, $mod )
wpsso_json_data_https_schema_org_{item_type}( $json_data, $mod, $mt_og, $page_type_id, $is_main )
wpsso_json_data_single_event( $event_data, $mod, $event_id )
wpsso_json_data_single_organization( $org_data, $mod, $org_id )
wpsso_json_data_single_organization_sameas( $org_sameas, $mod, $org_id )
wpsso_json_data_single_person( $person_data, $mod, $user_id )
wpsso_json_data_single_person_sameas( $person_sameas, $mod, $user_id )
wpsso_json_data_single_place( $place_data, $mod, $place_id )
wpsso_json_data_single_product_group_varies_by( $varies_by, $mod )
wpsso_json_ld_search_url( $search_url, $mod, $add_page )
wpsso_json_pretty_print( $bool = true )
wpsso_json_prop_https_schema_org_additionaltype( $prop_data, $mod, $mt_og, $page_type_id, $is_main )
wpsso_json_prop_https_schema_org_aggregaterating( $prop_data, $mod, $mt_og, $page_type_id, $is_main )
wpsso_json_prop_https_schema_org_blogposting( $prop_data, $mod, $mt_og, $page_type_id, $is_main )
wpsso_json_prop_https_schema_org_breadcrumb( $prop_data, $mod, $mt_og, $page_type_id, $is_main )
wpsso_json_prop_https_schema_org_graph( $prop_data, $mod, $mt_og, $page_type_id, $is_main )
wpsso_json_prop_https_schema_org_haspart( $prop_data, $mod, $mt_og, $page_type_id, $is_main )
wpsso_json_prop_https_schema_org_ispartof( $prop_data, $mod, $mt_og, $page_type_id, $is_main )
wpsso_json_prop_https_schema_org_itemlistelement( $prop_data, $mod, $mt_og, $page_type_id, $is_main )
wpsso_json_prop_https_schema_org_itemreviewed( $prop_data, $mod, $mt_og, $page_type_id, $is_main )
wpsso_json_prop_https_schema_org_mentions( $prop_data, $mod, $mt_og, $page_type_id, $is_main )
wpsso_json_prop_https_schema_org_potentialaction( $prop_data, $mod, $mt_og, $page_type_id, $is_main )
wpsso_json_prop_https_schema_org_review( $prop_data, $mod, $mt_og, $page_type_id, $is_main )
wpsso_json_prop_https_schema_org_reviewrating( $prop_data, $mod, $mt_og, $page_type_id, $is_main )
wpsso_json_prop_https_schema_org_sameas( $prop_data, $mod, $mt_og, $page_type_id, $is_main )
wpsso_link_rel( $link_rel, $mod )
wpsso_load_lib( $success = false, $filespec = '', $classname = '' )
wpsso_mb_{settings_page}_{metabox}_{tab_key}_rows( array $table_rows, $form, $args )
wpsso_mb_{settings_page}_{metabox}_rows( array $table_rows, $form, $args )
wpsso_mb_{settings_page}_{metabox}_tabs( array $tabs )
wpsso_mb_sso_{tab_key}_rows( array $table_rows, $form, $head_info, $mod )
wpsso_mb_sso_tabs( array $tabs, $mod )
wpsso_md_keys_fallback_{options_key}( array $fallback )
wpsso_menu_title( $title )Translated menu title (default is "SSO - Social and Search Optimization").
wpsso_menu_your_sso_title( $title )Translated profile SSO title (default is "Profile SSO - Social and Search Optimization").
wpsso_meta_name( $mt_name, $mod )
wpsso_og_add_media_from_url( $url, $service )$service = 'facebook' or 'soundcloud'.
wpsso_og_add_mt_offers( $bool = true, $mod )
wpsso_og_add_mt_rating( $bool = true, $mod )
wpsso_og_add_mt_reviews( $bool = true, $mod )
wpsso_og_add_mt_variants( $bool = true, $mod )
wpsso_og_add_wc_mt_rating( $bool = false, $mod )$bool = true if 'woocommerce_enable_review_rating' option is 'yes'.
wpsso_og_add_wc_mt_reviews( $bool = false, $mod )$bool = true if 'woocommerce_enable_reviews' option is 'yes'.
wpsso_og_attached_images( $mt_ret, $num, $size_name, $post_id )
wpsso_og_data_https_ogp_me_ns_{og_type}( array $mt_og, $mod )
wpsso_og_default_img_id( $image_id )
wpsso_og_default_img_on_index( $bool )
wpsso_og_default_img_on_search( $bool )
wpsso_og_default_img_url( $image_url )
wpsso_og_ecom_edd( $mt_ecom, $mod )
wpsso_og_ecom_woocommerce( $mt_ecom, $mod )
wpsso_og_featured( $mt_ret, $num, $size_name, $post_id )
wpsso_og_ns( $ns )
wpsso_og( array $mt_og, $mod )
wpsso_og_seed( array $mt_og, $mod )
wpsso_og_type( $type_id, $mod, $is_custom )
wpsso_option_type( $option_type = '', $base_key, $network, $mod )Return the sanitation type for a given option key.
wpsso_option_type_{base_key}( $option_type = '', $network, $mod )Applied after the 'wpsso_option_type' filter.
wpsso_plugin_image_sizes( $sizes )
wpsso_post_image_ids( array $ids, $size_name, $post_id )
wpsso_post_image_urls( array $urls, $size_name, $post_id )
wpsso_post_public_ids( array $public_ids, array $posts_args )
wpsso_post_public_ids_posts_args( array $posts_args )
wpsso_post_public_ids_suppress_filters( true )False when the WPML or qTranslate-XT plugins are active.
wpsso_post_type_has_archive( $bool, $mod )
wpsso_post_types( $post_types, $output )
wpsso_post_url( $url, $mod )
wpsso_primary_tax_slug( $tax_slug, $mod )
wpsso_primary_term_id( $primary_term_id, $mod, $tax_slug, $is_custom )
wpsso_primary_terms( $primary_terms, $mod, $tax_slug, $output )
wpsso_product_currency( $currency, $product )
wpsso_product_offer_mrp_id( $mrp_id, $mod )The product offer merchant return policy ID ("mrp-123" for example).
wpsso_product_price( $price, $product )
wpsso_product_title( $title, $product )
wpsso_product_url( $url, $product )
wpsso_product_variation_title( $title, $product, $variation )
wpsso_product_variation_description( $desc, $product, $variation )
wpsso_quote( $quote, $mod )
wpsso_quote_seed( '', $mod )
wpsso_ratings_reviews_for_{post_type}( $bool )
wpsso_rename_md_options_keys( $rename_md_options )
wpsso_rename_options_keys( $rename_options )
wpsso_rename_site_options_keys( $site_options_keys )
wpsso_request_url_query_cache_disable( $bool = true, $request_url, $canonical_url, $mod )
wpsso_rewrite_image_url( $image_url )
wpsso_robots_content( $content, $mod, $directives )
wpsso_robots_directives( $directives, $mod )
wpsso_robots_is_noindex( $is_noindex, $mod )
wpsso_save_comment_options( $md_opts, $comment_id, $mod )
wpsso_save_post_options( $md_opts, $post_id, $mod )
wpsso_save_term_options( $md_opts, $term_id, $mod )
wpsso_save_user_options( $md_opts, $user_id, $mod )
wpsso_schema_type( $type_id, $mod, $is_custom )
wpsso_schema_types( $schema_types )
wpsso_schema_units( $schema_units )
wpsso_search_url( $url, $mod )
wpsso_server_request_url( $url, $mod )
wpsso_sharing_utm_args( $utm, $mod )
wpsso_sharing_url( $url, $mod, $add_page )
wpsso_social_accounts( $social_accounts )
wpsso_tag_names( $tags = array(), $mod )
wpsso_tag_names_seed( $tags = array(), $mod )
wpsso_tc_seed( $tc, $mod )
wpsso_tc( $tc, $mod )
wpsso_term_image_ids( array $ids, $size_name, $term_id )
wpsso_term_image_urls( array $urls, $size_name, $term_id )
wpsso_term_public_ids( array $public_ids, array $terms_args )
wpsso_term_url( $url, $mod )
wpsso_text( $text, $mod, $num_hashtags, $md_key )
wpsso_the_content( $content, $mod, $md_key )
wpsso_the_content_filter_content( $bool )
wpsso_the_content_filter_blocks( $bool )
wpsso_the_content_seed( '', $mod, $md_key )
wpsso_the_description( $desc_text, $mod )
wpsso_the_excerpt( $excerpt_text, $mod )
wpsso_the_text( $text, $mod, $title_sep )
wpsso_the_title( $title_text, $mod, $title_sep )
wpsso_title_seed( '', $mod, $num_hashtags, $md_key, $title_sep )
wpsso_title( $title_text, $mod, $num_hashtags, $md_key, $title_sep )
wpsso_user_image_ids( array $ids, $size_name, $user_id )
wpsso_user_image_urls( array $urls, $size_name, $user_id )
wpsso_user_public_ids( array $public_ids, array $users_args )
wpsso_user_url( $url, $mod )
wpsso_wc_shipping_delivery_time( array $delivery_time, $zone_id, $method_inst_id, $shipping_class_id, $product_parent_url )
wpsso_wc_shipping_zone_location_postal_code_country( $country, $zone_obj, $location_key, $location_obj )
wpsso_wc_shipping_zone_methods( array $zone_methods, $zone_id, $zone_obj )Filters the output from WC_Shipping_Zone->get_shipping_methods()
wpsso_wc_shipping_zone_offer( array $shipping_offer, $zone_id, $zone_name, $method_inst_id, $method_obj, $shipping_class_id, $product, $product_parent )
wpsso_wc_shipping_zones( array $shipping_zones )Filters the output from WC_Shipping_Zones::get_zones( $context = 'admin' ).
wpsso_weight_units( $units )

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