Version Information
- Plugin Name: WPSSO Schema Shortcode
- Stable Version: 2.1.0
- Author: JS Morisset
- Description: Schema shortcode to define and customize additional properties and types for sections of the content.
- License: GPLv3
- Requires PHP: 7.4.33 or newer
- Requires WordPress: 5.9 or newer
- Tested Up To WordPress: 6.7.2
- Last Updated: 3 days ago
The WPSSO Core plugin provides support for hundreds of Schema types, and can read data from dozens of supported third-party plugins and service APIs. The most popular Schema properties can be customized easily in the Document SSO metabox, and if required, the [schema]
shortcode can be used to define additional properties and types for sections of the content.
Please note that the [schema]
shortcode is meant for advanced users only and is not required for WPSSO Core to create complete and accurate Schema JSON-LD markup for the content. You should avoid using the [schema]
shortcode unless you're very familiar with https://schema.org markup and have very specific, non-standard requirements. If you use the [schema]
shortcode, make sure you always validate any change with the Schema Markup Validator and the Google Rich Results Test tool.
You can view the complete Schema shortcode guide here.
WPSSO Core Required
WPSSO Schema Shortcode (WPSSO SSC) is an add-on for the WPSSO Core plugin, which creates extensive and complete structured data to present your content at its best for social sites and search results – no matter how URLs are shared, reshared, messaged, posted, embedded, or crawled.
Install and Uninstall
Frequently Asked Questions
- None.
Notes and Documentation
- None.
Version Numbering
Version components: {major}.{minor}.{bugfix}[-{stage}.{level}]
- {major} = Major structural code changes and/or incompatible API changes (ie. breaking changes).
- {minor} = New functionality was added or improved in a backwards-compatible manner.
- {bugfix} = Backwards-compatible bug fixes or small improvements.
- {stage}.{level} = Pre-production release: dev < a (alpha) < b (beta) < rc (release candidate).
Standard Edition Repositories
Development Version Updates
WPSSO Core Premium edition customers have access to development, alpha, beta, and release candidate version updates:
Under the SSO > Update Manager settings page, select the "Development and Up" (for example) version filter for the WPSSO Core plugin and/or its add-ons. When new development versions are available, they will automatically appear under your WordPress Dashboard > Updates page. You can reselect the "Stable / Production" version filter at any time to reinstall the latest stable version.
Changelog / Release Notes
Version 2.1.0 (2024/08/25)
- New Features
- None.
- Improvements
- None.
- Bugfixes
- None.
- Developer Notes
- Changed the main instantiation action hook from 'init_objects' to 'init_objects_preloader'.
- Requires At Least
- PHP v7.4.33.
- WordPress v5.9.
- WPSSO Core v18.10.0.