Version Information
- Plugin Name: WPSSO Schema Breadcrumbs Markup
- Stable Version: 5.3.0
- Author: JS Morisset
- Description: Schema BreadcrumbList markup in JSON-LD format for Google Rich Results.
- License: GPLv3
- Requires PHP: 7.4.33 or newer
- Requires WordPress: 5.9 or newer
- Tested Up To WordPress: 6.7.2
- Last Updated: 2 weeks ago
The Most Comprehensive Schema BreadcrumbsList Markup of Any Plugin.
Adds Schema BreadcrumbList markup for posts, pages, custom post types, categories, tags, custom taxonomies, search results, and date archive pages.
Select between using ancestors (aka parents), the primary category, or all categories for posts, pages, and custom post types.
No Templates to Modify:
Simply activate or deactivate the plugin to enable / disable the addition of Schema BreadcrumbList markup.
WPSSO Core Required
WPSSO Schema Breadcrumbs Markup (WPSSO BC) is an add-on for the WPSSO Core plugin, which creates extensive and complete structured data to present your content at its best for social sites and search results – no matter how URLs are shared, reshared, messaged, posted, embedded, or crawled.
All seems good so Far!
Its doing whaat it offers – thanks!
WPSSO breadcrumbs is a good plugin
This is a great plugin. It has all the extra addons, is easy to use and installs easily without any issues. A once off payment for premium is great, for you do not have to think about paying it for the rest of your life. They have great support and I would recommend this plugin for adding schema and many other things. It is always being updated so always on top of the latest!
This plugin is just awesome!
Wonderful plugin
Just awesome. Regularly updated – just get it, you won’t be disappointed!
The whole family of JS Morisset plugins are great
Great results
Même en français…
I appreciate what this plug in offers