
wpsso_cache_refresh_scheduled( $event_time, $event_hook, $event_args )
wpsso_check_head_info( $head_info, $mod, $canonical_url )
wpsso_clear_mod_cache( $mod )
wpsso_clear_post_cache( $post_id )
wpsso_clear_term_cache( $term_id )
wpsso_clear_user_cache( $user_id )
wpsso_init_textdomain()Action triggered during WordPress 'init' priority 10, after the Wpsso class $check, $avail, and $debug properties have been instantiated.
wpsso_init_options()Action triggered during WordPress 'init' priority 10, after the Wpsso class $check, $avail, and $debug, $cache, $util, and $opt properties have been instantiated.
wpsso_init_objects()Action triggered during WordPress 'init' priority 10, after all Wpsso class objects have been instantiated.
wpsso_init_plugin()Action triggered during WordPress 'init' priority 12.
wpsso_pre_apply_filters_text( $filter_name )
wpsso_after_apply_filters_text( $filter_name )