Install the WPSSO Core Plugin

Install the Plugin

Standard edition

  1. Go to the admin section of your WordPress site.
  2. Select the Plugins menu item.
  3. Select the Add New sub-menu item.
  4. In the Search box, enter "WPSSO Core".
  5. Click the Search Plugins button.
  6. Click the Install Now button for the "WPSSO Core" plugin.
  7. Click the Activate Plugin button.
  8. A plugin Setup Guide is available under the new SSO menu.

Premium edition

When you purchase a WPSSO Core Premium plugin license pack, you will receive an email with a unique Authentication ID that is required to install and update the WPSSO Core Premium plugin. Note that you must already have the Standard edition installed and activated to install the WPSSO Update Manager add-on and the Premium edition update.

  1. If the Standard edition of WPSSO Core from is not already installed, you must install and activate the Standard edition plugin first (see above). If the Standard edition of WPSSO Core is already installed, continue to the following step.
  2. Install and activate the WPSSO Update Manager add-on:
    1. Go to the admin section of your WordPress site.
    2. Select the SSO menu item.
    3. Select the Plugin Add-ons settings page.
    4. Scroll down and locate the "WPSSO Update Manager" add-on.
    5. Click the Add-on Details and Install action link.
    6. Click the Install Now button in the plugin details window.
    7. Click the Activate Plugin button when WordPress is done installing the plugin.

    Note that the WPSSO Update Manager add-on must remain active to receive Premium updates.

  3. Select the SSO menu item.
  4. Select the Premium Licenses settings page.
  5. Locate the "WPSSO Core Authentication ID" option.
  6. Enter the unique Authentication ID you received for the WPSSO Core Premium plugin.
  7. Click the "Save All Settings" button at the bottom of the settings page.
  8. Stay in the Premium Licenses settings page.
  9. Locate the "WPSSO Core" plugin and its action links.
  10. Click the Plugin Details and Update action link:
    1. Then click the Install Update Now button in the plugin details window.

    Note that WPSSO Core Premium plugin updates are also available under the WordPress Dashboard > Updates page.

If you have a WordPress multisite (aka network) setup:

Please note that the WPSSO Core plugin and the WPSSO Update Manager add-on must be active on the default WordPress blog to get Premium edition updates. This is a requirement of WordPress, not the WPSSO Core plugin. WordPress uses the default blog (ie. BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE) to manage updates in the network admin interface, which means the default blog must be licensed to install Premium updates. You can find additional information on managing multisite licensing here.

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